We work with partners to help them tailor Active Citizens to meet the needs of their communities.
Here's how it works, step-by-step:
- We recruit partners to deliver the Active Citizens programme locally.
- We hold induction meetings with partners to welcome them onto the programme.
- We ask partners to identify at least one person from their organisation to become a facilitator. Here's what makes a good facilitator.
- We run leadership skills training for facilitators.
- Partners and facilitators work together to design the content of the Active Citizens programme for their local community.
- Facilitators cascade their training to community members.
- In turn, this supports communities with the skills to take social action where it is needed most. Read more about social action projects.
Partner networking events
Joining the Active Citizens programme is an opportunity to build your international networks and capacity.
We regularly organise national and international events to bring our partners together. During these events, you will have an opportunity to engage with a diverse range of partners, which could include civil society organisations, social enterprises and universities.
Through a mixture of talks and workshops, partners can share learning, engage in policy dialogue and develop joint projects. It's also a good forum for exchanging innovative ideas. Speaking to other partners can not only help you develop your Active Citizens programme, it can also support you to build on existing structures in your organisation.
In the past, at some of these events we've covered themes around literacy, conflict and cohesion, social enterprise and youth empowerment.